Our Services



It all begins with an assessment to see exactly where your child is. We take a comprehensive approach to our evaluations and screenings based on our parent consultation and the needs of each child. Our evaluations are used to determine the starting levels and goals that we have when working together.

Our evaluations can include the following areas:

  • Auditory discrimination and processing

  • Phonological awareness

  • Decoding/Reading fluency

  • Reading comprehension

  • Spelling and writing fluency

  • Rapid Reading Assessment with Visual Tracking

  • Rhythm and Timing assessments

  • Primitive Reflexes

We know that many students have had multiple evaluations completed with their school or other professionals. We always work to incorporate findings of past evaluations so we become an integral part of the child’s educational team.


1:1 Educational Therapy Sessions

We offer tailored sessions to meet the needs of each child and family. Our sessions can be held in the comfort of their own home or at the child’s school in the Los Angeles area. We also offer virtual sessions to students everywhere!

Each session lasts for 1 hour and will include the right combination of techniques to support the child’s learning and focus goals. Tools we use can include:

We see our students 1-4 times per week and provide regular progress updates to parents.

We want to see all of our students shine bright as learners!

*We follow all of the appropriate Covid-19 guidelines to keep our students, families, and staff healthy.

Educational Consulting

We understand that making decisions about your child’s education can be challenging and we can help in that journey. Educational consulting includes attending Individual Education Plan (IEP) meetings or school conferences, consulting about school placement or deciding appropriate accommodations, meeting with other professionals on the child’s team, and much more.